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Walmart Seller Account Suspension

A Walmart seller account suspension is a punishment that can be imposed on the account of a seller on the Walmart Marketplace, preventing them from selling their product on the platform. Typically, sellers have their Walmart seller account suspended because Walmart deems that they have not met its performance standards or have failed to act in compliance with its policies and terms of service.

Why might a seller have their Walmart seller account suspended?

Walmart retains the right to suspend accounts at its discretion and holds sellers to strict policies to preserve the integrity of its digital marketplace. There are a variety of reasons why a seller may have their Walmart seller account suspended, however, the following are some common causes.

  • Poor performance metrics: Walmart evaluates all of its sellers using a range of performance metrics, including. These include positive metrics such as on-time delivery rate and valid tracking rate, as well as negative metrics like cancellation rate and refund rate. Failure to meet Walmart’s standards on these metrics can result in a suspension.
  • Policy violations: Sellers on the Walmart Marketplace are subject to the terms of Walmart’s Seller Agreement. If a seller is found to be engaging in activities that violate this agreement, their account will be suspended. Such activities include publishing inaccurate product descriptions, selling prohibited products, engaging in pricing manipulation, or infringing on the intellectual property of another selling through counterfeiting, trademark infringement, or copyright violation.
  • Payment issues: Walmart can suspend the accounts of sellers that withhold or delay payments, fail to pay required feeds, or show discrepancies in tax compliance.
  • Customer complaints: Sellers that receive a consistently high volume of complaints about products, services, or payment and delivery issues can have their Walmart seller account suspended.
    Walmart may also suspend accounts if it deems that the seller is engaging in other suspicious or fraudulent activities, such as falsifying customer reviews or manipulating data related to sales volumes.

Is it possible to appeal a Walmart seller account suspension?

Yes, sellers who have their Walmart seller account suspended have the ability to appeal the decision. To do this, the seller must open a support case for Seller Support on the Walmart Marketplace, upon which Walmart will proceed to review the case and reply with a decision.
A seller can appeal an account suspension by following the steps below.

  1. Identify the cause of the suspension: When a seller account is suspended, Walmart typically gives a notification explaining the reasoning for its decision. Before submitting a formal appeal, the seller should review this notice to understand which policies or standards have been violated and what issues must be addressed.
  2. Create a Business Plan of Action: Once the seller understands the cause of the suspension, they can draw up a thorough plan of action that will address the issue. This will include specific steps that have been taken to resolve past problems and measures put in place to guarantee compliance with Walmart’s terms going forward.
  3. Submit the POA and appeal: The seller should submit their plan of action with their official appeal, including any documents or evidence that may support their case, such as relevant invoices or correspondence. Walmart may request additional information or supporting documentation during the appeal process, which the seller should provide in a timely manner.

Once the appeal is formally submitted and all required documents have been provided, Walmart typically responds to suspended sellers within two days, informing them of whether or not their selling privileges have been reinstated.

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