Cabilly & Co. » IP Legal Services

Intellectual Property (IP) Enforcement

Unauthorized sellers and counterfeit products can harm your brand’s reputation and disrupt your revenue. Intellectual Property Enforcement is essential to combat these issues by removing infringing listings and taking action against violators.

Take Back Control of Your Brand

At Cabilly & Co., we specialize in identifying and eliminating counterfeiters and hijackers who threaten your business. Our dedicated team employs effective strategies to secure your product listings and ensure your sales remain uninterrupted.

Our IP enforcement services include:

Initiating takedown procedures against counterfeiters and infringers.
Enforcing intellectual property rights through legal action.
Advising on strategies to prevent future infringement.
Liaising with online platforms and authorities to protect your brand.

Top20trademark lawyer in the US*

Top3service providers for Amazon sellers*

96%success rate for TM registrations

8000+Clients WorldWide

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