Cabilly & Co. » IP Legal Services

Office Action Services

An Office Action from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or another intellectual property authority is an official letter that identifies specific issues, objections, or requirements regarding your patent or trademark application.

Addressing these concerns promptly and effectively is crucial for the successful advancement of your application.

Office Actions

At Cabilly & Co., our attorneys specialize in handling Office Actions with expertise and precision. We conduct comprehensive analyses of the examiner’s feedback, craft precise and persuasive responses, and manage all communications with the examining authorities.

Let us handle the complexities of the Office Action process to advance your application smoothly toward approval.

Our office actions services include:

Analyzing Office Actions to understand objections and requirements.
Advising on the best strategies to overcome refusals and objections.
Preparing detailed and persuasive responses to Office Actions.
Handling all communications with the USPTO or other IP offices.
Monitoring deadlines and ensuring timely submission of responses.

Top20trademark lawyer in the US*

Top3service providers for Amazon sellers*

96%success rate for TM registrations

8000+Clients WorldWide

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